Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A Few Pics

From last weekend. More later.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

NoVA make way for the pickle girl

We ARE coming up this weekend!! :-)

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Today there was rain on and off all day and everything was gray. Matt was gone at work from 8:30 - 6:30. Autumn wanted to do nothing but sleep. All of these factors--especially the weather--made me feel just incredibly lazy. So I spent most of the day working on Autumn's baby book and neglecting all the things I really should have been doing. Oh well, I guess I needed to work on her book too.

We're still not sure if we're going to be able to make it up to DC next weekend. Everything is going to depend on Matt's work. If we do make it up, it's looking like we'll be driving, since it's getting so late to get flights. So if we do make it, it's going to have to be a really quick visit. :-(

I'd better go give Autumn her last feeding and get her to bed. On a happier note, here are some more pictures of Autumn.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Interesting post...


...that we're no longer living in an apartment. Autumn is going through a phase which is not fun. She'll be on the floor, or in her exersaucer, or in the highchair, peacefully playing with some toys...until I walk out of the room. As soon as I walk into the next room she starts screaming. If I walk back in, she'll go back to playing with her toys. Thankfully, most of the time I can just let her yell (in the hopes that she'll figure out she's okay without me in the room). I'm just glad that we're in a house and have the option of letting her yell, knowing it's not going to bother anyone other than me.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Very Happy Baby

Autumn having a good conversation with her dad. Turns out even a four-month-old thinks he's pretty funny.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Little Bit of Spring

For all the people still struggling through winter.

We're having gorgeous weather here. We were outside this morning with Autumn doing some pre-gardening work, and I decided to snap a few pictures. There are daffodils everywhere--in fact we were digging up some of them this morning because they're coming up all over the place, including the vegetable garden. And the honeysuckle and azaleas are just beginning to bloom. And last fall's mums are coming back like mad in the pots on the steps. (I avoided the most abundant sign of spring in the yard and garden--dozens and dozens of dandelions.)

We're all really enjoying the warm weather and sunshine. I got some more pictures of Autumn while we were out, but they're going to have to wait a bit to go up, since I have to get some things done around the house (other than blogging) while she's getting her nap.

happy valentine's day

all worn out after playing with her present from daddy

Monday, February 13, 2006

A New Present


Today Autumn got two letters. One from Uncle Thaddeus and one from Aunt Miriam. Mommy read them to her and she got really excited. She thought they were fun to look at but she really wanted to eat them.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Autumn hasn't been feeling very well the last few days. No real sick symptoms, just very fussy and doesn't want to do anything other than cuddle in the rocking chair and sleep. I can't figure out what's up with her unless it's just that she isn't adjusting well to having to sleep in the living room while we paint her room. Hopefully we'll be able to get her's done soon--at least to the point where she can move back in there to sleep.

She does have one trick that's been making her happy. Making faces with her Daddy.


I like the way the light makes her glow. :-)

Friday, February 10, 2006

For Mark and For Sarah

You know why. :-)

An Important Message From Autumn



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Thursday, February 09, 2006


Getting ready to go for a walk. Happy to get outside (as long as it's in the stroller).

Super Baby

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Baby!

With the ability to drown enemies in drool, bring a smile to the face of anyone she looks at, and keep her mom from getting any work done around the house--it's the superhero baby we all love.

All it takes is a second for her to turn her bib into a cape. :-)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

boring post about paint

Spent all day today getting started on Autumn's room. I figure we have to get it done before she grows up. ;-) It was a little frustrating that we didn't get as far as I wanted, but at least it's started. One of the things that is really slowing us down is the fact that most of the furniture, including her crib, is too big to get out the door without taking apart. So we had to move everything over to one side of the room and just work on two of the walls today. At least they were the larger walls. Anyway...we got two coats of primer up, and it's looking a lot better. The room hasn't been painted in decades, so it really needed some help.

Once we get finished with all the primer, we're planning on painting it to match some fabric Donna and I came across several months ago. It's going to be in stripes of various widths--pale yellow, pale green, and white. It sounds kind of weird without seeing it, but I think it's going to look really good once we get it done. (Though it may take a few months ;-))

We've been slowly collecting things to work in her room--decided not to do a real theme, but just put together stuff that we liked in the general color scheme. We've got several fabrics to do bumper pads, crib skirt, decorative pillows and that sort of thing. Donna's sewing machine does embroidery so we've been picking up patterns we like for that too. Matt and I found an old mirror, which I've been working on cleaning up and I'm hoping to re-paint for Autumn. There's also a squirrel lamp that was Matt's grandparents that I really like and I started re-doing the shade today. I think it's going to turn out well.

And then, once her room's done, I think we're going to tackle the living room. It should be a lot easier. For one thing, we're planning on tearing the carpet up as soon as we finish painting, so we don't have to worry about dropcloths and can go ahead and make a mess of the floor. The walls are also a much lighter color, so I think we'll be able to get by without primer.

Anyway. Kind of boring post, I know.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Yesterday I took Autumn outside for a while. It was really warm out and I wanted to show her the flowers blooming in the yard. Usually when she gets to go outside it's in one of her strollers. Yesterday I just carried her. I guess she just didn't feel very secure, because when I lowered her down next to the daffodils, she took one look at the flowers and screamed. She was scared to death of them. She had a panic attack again when I took her to the other side of the yard to look at some other flowers. Even the honeysuckle vines were scary. She's definitely going to be spending more time outside now. I can't have a baby that's scared of flowers.