Spent all day today getting started on Autumn's room. I figure we have to get it done before she grows up. ;-) It was a little frustrating that we didn't get as far as I wanted, but at least it's started. One of the things that is really slowing us down is the fact that most of the furniture, including her crib, is too big to get out the door without taking apart. So we had to move everything over to one side of the room and just work on two of the walls today. At least they were the larger walls. Anyway...we got two coats of primer up, and it's looking a lot better. The room hasn't been painted in decades, so it really needed some help.
Once we get finished with all the primer, we're planning on painting it to match some fabric Donna and I came across several months ago. It's going to be in stripes of various widths--pale yellow, pale green, and white. It sounds kind of weird without seeing it, but I think it's going to look really good once we get it done. (Though it may take a few months ;-))
We've been slowly collecting things to work in her room--decided not to do a real theme, but just put together stuff that we liked in the general color scheme. We've got several fabrics to do bumper pads, crib skirt, decorative pillows and that sort of thing. Donna's sewing machine does embroidery so we've been picking up patterns we like for that too. Matt and I found an old mirror, which I've been working on cleaning up and I'm hoping to re-paint for Autumn. There's also a squirrel lamp that was Matt's grandparents that I really like and I started re-doing the shade today. I think it's going to turn out well.
And then, once her room's done, I think we're going to tackle the living room. It should be a lot easier. For one thing, we're planning on tearing the carpet up as soon as we finish painting, so we don't have to worry about dropcloths and can go ahead and make a mess of the floor. The walls are also a much lighter color, so I think we'll be able to get by without primer.
Anyway. Kind of boring post, I know.