-Seeing a mockingbird hopping around the front yard today: "DUCK!! Duck--SEE DUCK???!!!!" (Everything with a beak or bill is a duck in her mind. Oh, and chicken...chicken is something you eat.)
-She loves the moon and is expert at finding it in the sky whether it's day or night.
-She now informs us "I stinky" when she needs a change.
-"Noooooooooo, Nooooooooo" is becoming a favorite phrase.
-When I'm working on stuff outside she has to help. If I don't let her hold the hose when I'm watering the flower beds, she grabs a watering can and goes over to the faucet, trying to unscrew the hose so she can water things all by herself.
-She loves carrying a purse, always hanging over her elbow.
-One of her absolute favorite activities is making the bed. She hands me each pillow and blanket and when we get finished she is SOOOOO happy that she did it!
-Her baby's name is "Deeshee" D.C. but with an H in there. Why? I have no idea, but that is what she calls it.
-She insists on having her vitamin every day. Runs in the kitchen, points at the shelf and yells, "Treat, treat" until she gets it.
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