Yesterday was birthday number 25. We didn't do any of the traditional birthday things. No party, no cake. But we did something better. Sticking with the tradition that my family has always followed, my birthday is the day to get The Tree.
We started out going to a cut-your-own farm, but they were sold out of pines! I know that around here, you're supposed to use a leyland cypress, but for some reason, I just can't see them as Christmas trees. They look to me like overgrown shrubs--great for windbreaks, wrong for the middle of the living room covered in lights.
We were headed back to get online and see if we could find any other cut-your-own places around here, when we passed a small gardening place with trees in the front. We drove past a couple of times trying to decide if they had Christmas trees or just trees for landscaping. We stopped. They had beautiful trees, and they were pines. :-) We picked the perfect one, and only then found out that it was about half of the marked price, since we were getting it so late. ;-D
We got it home and eventually got it up. Spent forever on the lights (isn't that the most annoying part of a tree?) and I made a bow for the top and ran wired ribbon over the whole tree.
Technically, I suppose most people would say it takes up too much of our living room. But I like fat Christmas trees. I took a picture, but it didn't turn out as well as I would like, guess I still need to figure out how to use this camera.
Autumn likes the lights and the big silver balls that she can see herself in.
What an awesome picture! Glad you're blogging, Katie :)
So glad you are continuing "the tradition"! We will try to keep it up too, even if you don't live here anymore.
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