Sunday, March 26, 2006


Anyone have suggestions for some good books to read? (Not that I really have the time...but my brain desperately needs a little bit of exercise.)


Anonymous said...

Jack Pearce has a book about some of the great literary minds of the mid-twentieth century--Chesterton, Eliot, Graham Greene--who all ended up converting to Catholicism. It is a fascinating read and very deep and philosophical. You might enjoy it, although I think it might be hard to find at a library. Anyway, there is also Dodie Smith's "I Capture the Castle" which is a thoroughly entertaining and refreshing British novel...I know you would love it. Lauren, Leigh and I love it to pieces--it is one of the only novels that has made us all laugh out loud. There is also a movie based on the book, but it isn't near as nice as the book (Hollywood tends to to muddle things up). If you want something light and entertaining, without being completely brainless, try the Castle.

Rachelle said...

I just asked the same question and was encouraged to read East of Eden by John Steinbeck. It made me do a lot of thinking, as a parent, a Christian, a human being. -rlr

Elisa said...

I read Taylor Caldwell's "Dear and Glorious Physician" over Christmas break and it was WONDERFUL! It is a novel about the life of Luke and it was very well written. It's on my list of top favorite books right now :-)
