Taking a well-deserved break for coffee and some internet.
I've been desperately needing to get caught up on housework and I decided that today was the day for it. So far today I have: vacuumed or swept and mopped all but one room in the house (our vacuum is on the fritz so it's all been with the shop-vac which means backache), cleaned the kitchen, washed all the dishes, cleaned our bedroom, scrubbed everything in both bathrooms, washed the rugs, cleaned Autumn's room, finished the dining room, put dinner together in the crockpot, organized all Autumn's toys (she's in the process of making a mess of them again), changed three diapers, fed Autumn three times (once outside for a picnic, before the temp went over 90), organized the laundry, emptied the diaper genie, taken out all the trash for pickup, started dusting (haven't finished yet), talked with Matt's parents while they were here dropping off mulch, nearly finished the living room, changed clothes twice (Autumn likes to make sure you share some of her lunch), and about a zillion other little things.
Thankfully Autumn has been cooperative, except for getting out all of her toys as soon as I put them away. Sad thing is, I think I only have about half of my to-do list for today done.
When Matt gets off work, I'm going to try to rope him into helping me mulch the garden. We have 16 30-gallon trash bags full of mulch sitting out next to the garden ready to go on. I really need to build some big tomato cages soon, too. Most of the tomatoes are more than knee-high now--a couple quite a bit taller. And they're looking really good. :-) So much better than last year. The tomatoes and beans are blooming and the eggplant are about to. We have spinach, lettuce, and some collards to eat now and everything else is growing really fast.
Yesterday, we went over to Matt's parents and Matt and I shoveled up the bags of mulch for a while. It was messy, but thankfully not too dusty since we had rain a couple days ago. Then we had dinner and then went swimming. The pool was really nice, especially after all the work. Autumn really enjoyed her first time swimming. She loved it when Matt would swim under water then pop up and blow bubbles in her face. She giggled like crazy. (I'll try to get a few pics up later.) We're going to have to pick up a small pool for her for our yard, so she can splash and stay cool while I'm gardening.
This coffee isn't doing its job. And since I stopped for a break I feel like I'm going to fall asleep sitting here. I guess I'd better force myself up. Autumn needs another diaper change and some cereal. And I've got to get some more done on the house.
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11 hours ago
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