I took Autumn to the doctor. She still hasn't totally recovered from her beach bug and has lost weight, but she got shots anyway. She's currently 20 lbs, 10 oz, and 29.5 in. As I write this she is sitting in her highchair eating bread and fresh peaches (Matt's grandma got them at a pick-your-own place--they're AWESOME!). Her highchair pad is now officially falling apart from washing too many times. Messy messy eater.
I planted impatiens this morning...and talked about some new flower beds I want to put in. But I'm going to have to do them all with donations, since I don't have the money to buy the plants. Anyone have something they would like to contribute? I can trade you pink glads or daffodils. :-)
Anyhow...I've got to get back to work, and I don't have time to upload pics, but I'll leave you with one of my favorites--and try to get some more up soon.

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